Publikacje pracowników KF

aktualizacja: 05.03.2025 r. wg bazy SCOPUS

  imię i nazwisko ORCID indeks H liczba publ. liczba cytowań
dr hab. Zbigniew Otremba 0000-0001-7943-110X 16 62 837
dr Emilia Baszanowska 0000-0002-3041-3725 10 22 215
dr hab. Włodzimierz Freda 0000-0002-9731-5003 9 19 180
mgr Henryk Toczek 0000-0001-5091-3754 8 13 130
dr Kamila Haule 0000-0002-0254-9385 8 12 122
dr hab. Bogusław Pranszke 0000-0003-2896-9748 7 34 173
dr Katarzyna Boniewicz-Szmyt 0000-0003-1693-6623 7 14 142
dr Barbara Lednicka 0000-0002-2718-8598 4 9 88
dr inż. Karol Falkowski 0009-0003-8203-4625 3 7 49

Publikacje pracowników Katedry Fizyki


  1. Jakubowska-Lehrmann, M., Makaras, T., Normant-Saremba, M., Białowąs, M., E., Otremba, Z., Exploring the impact of magnetic fields related to submarine power cables on the American mud crab Rhithropanopeus harrisii: A behavioural and physiological perspectiveMarine Pollution Bulletin, vol. 212, 117492. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2024.117492
  2. Baszanowska, E., Otremba, Z., Kubacka, M., Fibre Optic Method for Detecting Oil Fluorescence in Marine Sediments, Sensors, vol. 25 (1), 173. DOI: 10.3390/s25010173


  1. Lednicka, B., Otremba, Z., Piskozub J., Vector irradiance modelling in a seawater column for assessing the detection capabilities of an oil-in-water emulsion, Optics Express, vol. 32 (17), 29424. DOI: 10.1364/OE.532853
  2. Haule K., Kubacka M., Toczek H., Lednicka B., Pranszke B., Freda W., Correlation between Turbidity and Inherent Optical Properties as an Initial Recognition for Backscattering Coefficient Estimation, Water 2024, 16, 594. DOI: 10.3390/w16040594
  3. Pogorzelski, S., Janowicz P., Dorywalski, K., Boniewicz-Szmyt, K., Rochowski, P., Adsorption, Adhesion, and Wettability of Commercially Available Cleansers at Dental Polymer (PMMA) Surfaces, Materials 2024, 17/19, 4755. DOI: 10.3390/ma17194755
  4. Baszanowska, E., Otremba, Z., Kubacka, M., Fluorescent analyses of sediments and near-seabed water in the area of the WW2 shipwreck “Stuttgart”, Scientific Reports, vol. 14 (1), 24613. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-75279-3


  1. Lednicka, B., Otremba, Z., Piskozub J., Light Penetrating the Seawater Column as the Indicator of Oil Suspension—Monte Carlo Modelling for the Case of the Southern Baltic Sea, Sensors, vol. 23(3), 1175. DOI: 10.3390/s23031175
  2. Boniewicz-Szmyt K.,Grzegorczyk M., Pogorzelski S., Rochowski P., Photosynthetic signatures of microbial colonies covering submerged hard surfaces as novel trophic status indicators: Baltic Sea studies. Oceanologia vol. 65 (1), pp. 194-201, DOI: 10.1016/j.oceano.2022.04.004
  3. Ocieczek A., Kostek R., Toczek H., Differential model of the kinetics of water vapour adsorption on maize starch particles. International Agrophysics, vol. 37, pp. 215-223, DOI: 10.31545/intagr/163569
  4. Baszanowska E., Otremba Z., Year-Round Testing of Coastal Waters of the Gulf of Gdańsk in the Baltic Sea for Detecting Oil in a Seawater Column Using the Fluorescence Method, Sustainability (Switzerland), Vol. 15 (13), 9898. DOI: 10.3390/su15139898
  5. Lednicka, B., Kubacka, M., Freda, W., Haule, K., Ficek, D., Sokólski, M., Multi-Parameter Algorithms of Remote Sensing Reflectance, Absorption and Backscattering for Coastal Waters of the Southern Baltic Sea Applied to Pomeranian Lakes, Water, vol 15(15), 2843. DOI: 10.3390/w15152843
  6. Pogorzelski S., Janowicz, P., Dorywalski K., Boniewicz-Szmyt K., Rochowski P., Wettability, Adsorption and Adhesion in Polymer (PMMA) Commercially Available Mouthrinse System. Materials, Vol. 16(17), 5753. DOI: 10.3390/ma16175753
  7. Lednicka, B., Otremba, Z., Piskozub J., Modelling the upwelling radiance detected in a seawater column for oil-in-water emulsion tracking, Scientific Reports, vol. 13, 23098. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-50570-x


  1. Otremba Z., Piskozub J., Monte Carlo Radiative Transfer Simulation to Analyze the Spectral Index for Remote Detection of Oil Dispersed in the Southern baltic sea Seawater Column: The Role of Water Surface State, Remote Sensing Vol. 14 (2), 247. DOI: 10.3390/rs14020247
  2. Pogorzelski S., Boniewicz-Szmyt K., Grzegorczyk M., Rochowski P., Wettability of Metal Surfaces Affected by Paint Layer Covering, Materials Vol. 15 (5), 1830. DOI: 10.3390/ma15051830.
  3. Baszanowska E., Otremba Z., Fluorometric Detection of Oil Traces in a Sea Water Column, Sensors Vol. 22 (5), 2039. DOI: 10.3390/s22052039
  4. Ocieczek A., Mesinger D., Toczek H., Hygroscopic Properties of Three Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) Starch Products: Application of BET and GAB Models. Foods 2022, 11, 1966, DOI: 10.3390/foods11131966
  5. Jakubowska-Lehrmann, M., Białowąs, M., Otremba, Z., Hallmann A., Śliwińska-Wilczewska, S., Urban-Malinga, B., Do magnetic fields related to submarine power cables affect the functioning of a common bivalve? Marine Environmental Research vol. 179, 105700. DOI: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2022.105700
  6. Baszanowska E., Otremba Z., Detection of Oil in Seawater Based on the Fluorometric Index during the Winter Season in the Baltic Sea - The Case of the Gulf of Gdansk, Sensors Vol. 22 (16), 6014. DOI: 10.3390/s22166014
  7. Grzegorczyk M., Pogorzelski S., Janowicz P., Boniewicz-Szmyt K., , Rochowski P., Micron-Scale Biogeography of Seawater Biofilm Colonies at Submersed Solid Substrata Affected by Organic Matter and Microbiome Transformation in the Baltic Sea, Materials Vol. 15 (18), 6351. DOI: 10.3390/ma15186351.
  8. Lednicka, B., Kubacka, M. Semi-Empirical Model of Remote-Sensing Reflectance for Chosen Areas of the Southern Baltic, Sensors, 2022, 22(3), 1105. DOI: 10.3390/s22031105
  9. Lednicka, B., Kubacka, M., Freda W., Haule K., Dembska G., Galer-Tatarowicz K., Pazikowska-Sapota G., Water Turbidity and Suspended Particulate Matter Concentration at Dredged Material Dumping Sites in the Southern Baltic, Sensors, 2022, 22(20), 8049. DOI: 10.3390/s22208049


  1. Pogorzelski, S; Rochowski, P.; Grzegorczyk, M.; Boniewicz-Szmyt, K., Snowpack-stored atmospheric surface-active contaminants traced with snowmelt water surface film rheologyENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH, VOL. 28 (5), pp. 5443-5454. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-020-10874-1
  2. Jakubowska, M., Greszkiewicz, M., Fey, D.P., Otremba, Z., Urban-Malinga, B., Andrulewicz, E., Effects of magnetic fields related to submarine power cables on the behaviour of larval rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), MARINE AND FRESHWATER RESEARCH, 2021, in press. DOI: 10.1071/MF20236
  3. Haule, K. and Freda, W., Remote Sensing of Dispersed Oil Pollution in the Ocean—The Role of Chlorophyll Concentration, Sensors, Vol. 21 (10), No 3387. DOI: 10.3390/s21103387
  4. Baszanowska E., Otremba Z., Piskozub J., Modelling the Visibility of Baltic-Type Crude Oil Emulsion Dispersed in the Southern Baltic Sea, Remote Sensing Vol. 13 (10), 1917. DOI: 10.3390/rs13101917
  5. Haule, K.; Toczek, H.; Borzycka, K.; Darecki, M. Influence of Dispersed Oil on the Remote Sensing Reflectance—Field Experiment in the Baltic SeaSensors 202121, 5733. DOI: 10.3390/s21175733
  6. Ocieczek A., Kaizer A., Otremba Z., The influence of a static, homogeneous magnetic field on the sorption properties of soybean meal during maritime transport, TransNav Vol. 15 (3), 649-657. DOI: 10.12716/1001.15.03.20
  7. Otremba Z., Piskozub J., Modelling the spectral index to detect a baltic-type crude oil emulsion dispersed in the southern baltic sea, Remote Sensing Vol. 13 (19), 3927. DOI: 10.3390/rs13193927
  8. Wasowicz T.J. and Pranszke B., Optical spectroscopic studies of tetrahydrofuran fragmentation induced by collisions with dihydrogen cations, Acta Physica Polonica A, Vol. 143 (3), pp. 228-234. DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.140.228
  9. Haule, K.; Freda, Toczek, H.; W.; Borzycka, K.; Sagan, S.; Darecki, M. A novel experiment in the Baltic Sea shows that dispersed oil droplets can be distinguished by remote sensing. Oceanography 202134 (4), 60-61. DOI: 10.5670/oceanog.2021.suplement.02-03


  1. Baszanowska E., Otremba Z., Piskozub J., Synchronous fluorescence spectra of water contaminated by dispersed crude oil, Optica Applicata, Vol. 50, No 1, pp. 161-169. DOI: 10.37190/oa200113
  2. Baszanowska E., Otremba Z., Modelling Remote Sensing Reflectance to Detect Dispersed Oil at Sea, Sensors, Vol. 20, No 863, 3, . DOI: 10.3390/s20030863
  3. Fey D.P., Greszkiewicz M., Jakubowska M., Lejk A. Otremba Z., Andrulewicz E., Otolith fluctuating asymmetry in larval trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum, as an indication of organism bilateral instability affected by static and alternating magnetic fieldsScience of the Total Environment, Vol. 707, No 135489. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.135489
  4. Baszanowska E., Otremba Z., Seawater Fluorescence Near Oil OccurrenceSUSTAINABILITY, Vol. 12, No 4049 . DOI: 10.3390/su12104049
  5. Ocieczek A., Otremba Z., Water Vapor Sorption on the Surface of Selected Organic Samples in an Artificial Static Magnetic Field of 10 mTINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY , Vol. 11, No 3, pp. 461-471 . DOI: 10.14716/ijtech.v11i3.3831
  6. Baszanowska E., Otremba Z., Piskozub J., Modelling a Spectral Index to Detect Dispersed Oil in a Seawater Column Depending on the Viewing Angle: Gulf of Gdansk Case StudySENSORS, Vol. 20, No 5352. DOI: 10.3390/s20185352


  1. Otremba Z., Jakubowska, M, Urban-Malinga B, Andrulewicz E. Potential effects of electrical energy transmission – the case study from the Polish Marine Areas. Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies, Vol. 48, Issue 2, 196-208. DOI:
  2. Stankevičiūtė M., Jakubowska M, Pažusienė J, Makaras T, Otremba Z., Urban-Malinga B, Fey D, Greszkiewicz M, Sauliutė G, Baršienė J, Andrulewicz A, Genotoxic and cytotoxic effects of 50 Hz 1 mT electromagnetic field on larval rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), Baltic clam (Limecola balthica) and common ragworm (Hediste diversicolor), Aquatic Toxicology, Vol. 208, 109-117. DOI:  
  3. Jakubowska, M, Urban-Malinga B, Otremba Z., Andrulewicz E., Effect of low frequency electromagnetic field on the behavior and bioenergetics of the polychaete Hediste diversicolor, Marine Environmental Research Vol. 150, 1-11. DOI:
  4. Fey D., Jakubowska M., Greszkiewicz M., Andrulewicz E., Otremba Z., Urban-Malinga B., Are magnetic and electromagnetic fields of anthropogenic origin potential threats to early life stages of fish?, Aquatic Toxicology, Vol. 209, 150-158.  DOI:
  5. Fey D.P., Greszkiewicz M., Otremba Z., Andrulewicz E., Effect of static magnetic field on the hatching success, growth, mortality, and yolk-sac absorption of larval Northern pike Esox Lucius, Science of The Total Environment, Vol. 647, 1239–1244. DOI:
  6. Baszanowska E., Drozdowski R., Kamiński P. , Oppen G., Excitation of 1s4l levels of He atoms by (10–30 keV) He atoms impact, Physica Scripta, Vol. 95, No. 5. DOI:
  7. Freda W., Haule K., Sagan S., On the role of the seawater absorption-to-attenuation ratio in the radiance polarization above the southern Baltic surface, Ocean Science, Vol. 6, 745–759. DOI:
  8. Baszanowska E., Otremba Z., Detecting the presence of different types of oil in seawater using a fluorometric index, Sensors, Vol. 19, No 3774, 1-9. DOI: 10.3390/s19173774
  9. Wasowicz T., Labuda M, Pranszke B., Charge Transfer, Complexes Formation and Furan Fragmentation Induced by Collisions with Low-Energy Helium CationsInternational Journal of Molecular Sciences, Vol. 20, No. 6022, 23. DOI: 10.3390/ijms20236022


  1. Boniewicz-Szmyt, Katarzyna; Pogorzelski, Stanisaw Jozef: Evolution of natural sea surface films: a new quantification formalism based on multidimensional space vector. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH Volume: 25 Issue: 5 Pages: 4826-4836 DOI:10.1007/s11356-017-0788-2
  2. Boniewicz-Szmyt, Katarzyna; Pogorzelski, Stanisaw Jozef: Influence of Surfactant Concentration and Temperature Gradients on Spreading of Crude-oil at Sea. FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE  Volume: 5 Issue: 388 DOI:10.3389/fmars.2018.00388
  3. Maciej Grzegorczyk, Stanisław Józef Pogorzelski, Aneta Pospiech and Katarzyna Boniewicz-Szmyt: Monitoring of Marine Biofilm Formation Dynamics at Submerged Solid Surfaces With Multitechnique Sensors. FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE  Volume: 5 Issue: 388 DOI:10.3389/fmars.2018.00363


  1. Baszanowska, Emilia; Otremba, Zbigniew: Fluorometric Index for Sensing Oil in the Sea Environment. SENSORS Volume: 17 Issue: 6 Article Number: 1276. DOI:10.3390/s17061276
  2. Haule, Kamila; Freda, Wlodzimierz; Darecki, Miroslaw; Toczek, Henryk: Possibilities of optical remote sensing of dispersed oil in coastal waters. Conference: 10th Baltic Sea Science Congress (BSSC) on Science and Innovation for Future of the Baltic and the European Regional Seas Location: Riga, LATVIA Date: JUN 15-19, 2015. ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE Volume: 195 Pages: 76-87. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2016.07.013
  3. Drozdowski, R.; Werbowy, S.; Kowalski, A.; Pranszke, B.: Luminescence in collision-induced dissociation of ND3 by H+, H-2(+), and beams at energies below 1000 eV. CHEMICAL PHYSICS   Volume: 483   Pages: 78-83. DOI: 10.1016/j.chemphys.2016.10.013


  1. Baszanowska, Emilia; Otremba, Zbigniew: Fluorometry in application to fingerprint of petroleum products present in the natural waters. JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN OPTICAL SOCIETY-RAPID PUBLICATIONS  Volume: 12  Article Number: 16. DOI: 10.1186/s41476-016-0018-4
  2. Otremba, Zbigniew: Oil Droplet Clouds Suspended in the Sea: Can They Be Remotely Detected? REMOTE SENSING   Volume: 8   Issue: 10     Article Number: 857.   DOI: 10.20944/preprints201608.0201.v1
  3. Haule, Kamila; Freda, Włodzimierz: The effect of dispersed Petrobaltic oil droplet size on photosynthetically active radiation in marine environment. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH   Volume: 23 Issue: 7  Pages: 6506-6516. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-015-5886-4
  4. Wąsowicz, Tomasz J.; Pranszke, Bogusław: Interactions of protons with furan molecules studied by collision-induced emission spectroscopy at the incident energy range of 50-1000 eV. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL D  Volume: 70   Issue: 8 Article Number: 175. DOI:10.1140/epjd/e2016-70308-1
  5. Werbowy, S.; Pranszke, B.: Charge-exchange processes in collisions of H+, H-2(+), H-3(+), He+, and He-2(+) ions with CO and CO2 molecules at energies below 1000 eV. PHYSICAL REVIEW A   Volume: 93   Issue: 2 Article Number: 022713. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.83.032707  
  6. Wąsowicz, T. J.; Pranszke, B.: Observation of the Hydrogen Migration in the Cation-Induced Fragmentation of the Pyridine Molecules. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A  Volume: 120 Issue: 7 Pages: 964- 971. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.5b11298  
  7. Boniewicz-Szmyt, Katarzyna; Pogorzelski, Stanisław J.: Thermoelastic surface properties of seawater in coastal areas of the Baltic Sea. Conference: The Polish National Scientific Conference Baltic 2015 and the inauguration of the SatBaltyk satellite monitoring system Location: Sopot, POLAND Date: OCT 14-16, 201 OCEANOLOGIA Volume: 58 Issue: 1 Pages: 25-38. DOI: 10.1016/j.oceano.2015.08.003


  1. Baszanowska, E.; Otremba, Z.: Modification of optical properties of seawater exposed to oil contaminants based on excitation-emission spectra. JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN OPTICAL SOCIETY-RAPID PUBLICATIONS  Volume: 10  Article Number: 15047. DOI: 10.2971/jeos.2015.15047  
  2. Freda, W.; Piskozub, J.; Toczek, H.: Polarization imaging over sea surface - a method for measurements of Stokes components angular distribution. JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN OPTICAL SOCIETY-RAPID PUBLICATIONS   Volume: 10  Article Number: 15060. DOI: 10.2971/jeos.2015.15060
  3. Haule, K.; Darecki, M.; Toczek, H.: Light penetration in seawater polluted by dispersed oil: results of radiative transfer modeling. JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN OPTICAL SOCIETY-RAPID PUBLICATIONS   Volume: 10     Article Number: 15052. DOI: 10.2971/jeos.2015.15052
  4. Werbowy, S.; Kowalski, A.; Pranszke, B.: Luminescence cross sections for the collisions of He+ and He-2(+) ions with N-2 and CO molecules studied in a beam-gas arrangement at energies below 1000 eV. CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS   Volume: 641   Pages: 136-140. DOI: 10.1016/j.cplett.2015.10.055
  5. Wasowicz, Tomasz J.; Pranszke, Bogusław: Fragmentation of Tetrahydrofuran Molecules by H+, C+, and O+ Collisions at the Incident Energy Range of 25-1000 eV. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A   Volume: 119   Issue: 4   Pages: 581-589.  DOI: 10.1021/jp5105856 
  6. Stelmaszewski, Adam: Petroleum in coastal seawater of Gdansk Bay. OCEANOLOGICAL AND HYDROBIOLOGICAL STUDIES   Volume: 44   Issue: 1   Pages: 87-96. DOI: 10.1515/ohs-2015-0009


  1. Otremba, Zbigniew; Andrulewicz, Eugeniusz: Physical fields during construction and operation of wind farms by example of Polish maritime areas. POLISH MARITIME RESEARCH   Volume: 21   Issue: 4   Pages: 113-122. DOI: 10.2478/pomr-2014-0048
  2. Baszanowska, E.; Otremba, Z. : Spectral signatures of fluorescence and light absorption to identify crude oils found in the marine environment. JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN OPTICAL SOCIETY-RAPID PUBLICATIONS   Volume: 9  Article Number: 14029. DOI: 10.2971/jeos.2015.15047
  3. Baszanowska, E.; Drozdowski, R.; Kamiński, P.; G von Oppen.: Electric dipole moments of He atoms excited to the 1s5l (l >= 2) states by He+-ion impact at intermediate energies. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS   Volume: 47   Issue: 19     Article Number: 195201. DOI: 10.1088/0953-4075/47/19/195201
  4. Freda, W. : Comparison of the spectral-angular properties of light scattered in the Baltic Sea and oil emulsions. JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN OPTICAL SOCIETY-RAPID PUBLICATIONS   Volume: 9     Article Number: 14017. DOI: 10.2971/jeos.2014.14017   
  5. Stelmaszewski, Adam: Petroleum in the Vistula River. POLISH JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES   Volume: 23, Issue: 5, Pages: 1881-1885.
  6. Baszanowska, E.; Otremba, Z.: Spectrofluorimetric characteristics of used lubricating oil. DIAGNOSTYKA   Volume: 15, ISSUE 4,  Pages. 65-71.


  1. Baszanowska, E.; Zieliński, O.; Otremba, Z.; Toczek, H..: Influence of oil-in-water emulsions on fluorescence properties as observed by excitation-emission spectra.  JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN OPTICAL SOCIETY-RAPID PUBLICATIONS Volume: 8  Article Number:13069.  DOI: 10.2971/jeos.2013.13069
  2. Otremba, Z. A.: Modeling of the light transfer in a water column polluted with oil suspension. JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN OPTICAL SOCIETY-RAPID PUBLICATIONS   Volume: 8     Article Number: 13067.  DOI: 10.2971/jeos.2013.13067
  3. Otremba, Z.; Zieliński, O.; Hu, C.: Optical contrast of oil dispersed in seawater under windy conditions. JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN OPTICAL SOCIETY-RAPID PUBLICATIONS   Volume: 8     Article Number: 13051.  DOI: 10.2971/jeos.2013.13051.   
  4. Drozdowska, V.; Freda, W.; Baszanowska, E.; Rudź, K.;Darecki, M.;Heldt, J.R.; Toczek, H.: Spectral properties of natural and oil polluted Baltic seawater - results of measurements and modeling. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL-SPECIAL TOPICS   Volume: 222   Issue: 9   Pages: 2157-2170.  DOI: 10.1140/epjst/e2013-01992-x   
  5. Piskozub, J.; Freda, W.: Signal of single scattering albedo in water leaving polarization. JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN OPTICAL SOCIETY-RAPID PUBLICATIONS   Volume: 8     Article Number: 13055. DOI: 10.2971/jeos.2013.13055   
  6. Rudź, K.; Darecki, M.; Toczek, H.: Modelling the influence of oil content on optical properties of seawater in the Baltic Sea. JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN OPTICAL SOCIETY-RAPID PUBLICATIONS   Volume: 8     Article Number: 13063. DOI: 10.2971/jeos.2013.13063   


  1. Baszanowska, E.; Drozdowski, R.; Kamiński, P.; G von Oppen: Excitation of He atoms by 10-30 keV He+ impact. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS   Volume: 45   Issue: 11     Article Number: 115203. DOI: 10.1088/0953-4075/45/11/115203   
  2. Freda, Włodzimierz : Spectral dependence of the correlation between the backscattering coefficient and the volume scattering function measured in the southern Baltic Sea. OCEANOLOGIA   Volume: 54   Issue: 3   Pages: 355-367. DOI: 10.5697/oc.54-3.355   
  3. Freda, Włodzimierz; Piskozub, Jacek: Revisiting the role of oceanic phase function in remote sensing reflectance. OCEANOLOGIA  Volume: 54  Issue: 1 Pages: 29-38. DOI: 10.5697/oc.54-1.029   


  1. Stelmaszewski, Adam : The contribution of fluorescence to measurements of light scattering in oil-in-water emulsions. OCEANOLOGIA   Volume: 53   Issue: 2 Pages: 549-564. DOI: 10.5697/oc.53-2.549
  2. Woźniak, S.B., Meler, J., Lednicka, B., Zdun, A., Stoń-Egiert, J., Inherent optical properties of suspended particulate matter in the southern Baltic Sea, Oceanologia, 2011, 53(3), pp. 691–729. DOI: 10.5697/oc.53-3.691.


  1. Weslawski, Jan Marcin; Urbański, Jacek; Kryla-Staszewska, Lucyna; Piwowarczyk, Joanna: The different uses of sea space in Polish Marine Areas: is conflict inevitable? OCEANOLOGIA   Volume: 52   Issue: 3   Pages: 513-530. DOI: 10.5697/oc.52-3.513  
  2. Andrulewicz, Eugeniusz; Otremba, Zbigniew; Kamińska, Katarzyna: Ongoing Technical Activities and Conservation Measures in Maritime Spatial Planning within Polish Marine Areas. POLISH JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES   Volume: 19   Issue: 3   Special Issue: SI   Pages: 553-563.
  3. Woods, S.; Piskozub, J.; Freda, W.; Jonasz, M.; Bogucki,D..: Laboratory measurements of light beam depolarization on turbulent convective flow. APPLIED OPTICS   Volume: 49   Issue: 18   Pages: 3545-3551. DOI: 10.1364/AO.49.003545


  1. Otremba, Zbigniew : Oil-in-water emulsion as a modifier of water reflectance. OPTICA APPLICATA   Volume: 39   Issue: 1   Pages: 123-128.
  2. Otremba, Zbigniew; Piskozub, Jacek: Polarized phase functions in oil-in-water emulsion. OPTICA APPLICATA   Volume: 39   Issue: 1   Pages: 129-133.   
  3. Mazurek, Adriana; Pogorzelski, Stanisław J.; Boniewicz-Szmyt, Katarzyna : Adsorption of natural surfactants present in sea waters at surfaces of minerals: contact angle measurements. OCEANOLOGIA   Volume: 51   Issue: 3   Pages: 377-403. DOI: 10.5697/oc.51-3.377  
  4. Stelmaszewski, Adam : Determination of petroleum pollutants in coastal waters of the Gulf of Gdansk. OCEANOLOGIA   Volume: 51   Issue: 1   Pages: 85-92.   
  5. Stelmaszewski, Adam; Król, Tadeusz; Toczek, Henryk: Light scattering in Baltic crude oil - seawater emulsion. OCEANOLOGIA   Volume: 51   Issue: 3   Pages: 405-414.  DOI: 10.5697/oc.51-3.405 


  1. Otremba, Z.; Andrulewicz, E.: Environmental concerns related to existing and planned technical installations in the Baltic sea. POLISH JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES   Volume: 17   Issue: 2   Pages: 173-179.
  2. Boniewicz-Szmyt, K.; Pogorzelski, S. J.: Crude oil derivatives on sea water: Signatures of spreading dynamics. Conference: 6th Baltic Sea Science Congress/Joint Meeting of the Baltic Marine Biologists/Baltic Oceanographers/Baltic Sea Geologists Location: Univ Rostock, Rostock, GERMANY Date: MAR 19-23, 2007. JOURNAL OF MARINE SYSTEMS   Volume: 74   Pages: S41-S51. DOI:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2007.11.015   
  3. Mazurek, Z. Adriana; Pogorzelski, Stanisław J.; Boniewicz-Szmyt, Katarzyna: Evolution of natural sea surface film structure as a tool for organic matter dynamics tracing. Conference: 6th Baltic Sea Science Congress/Joint Meeting of the Baltic Marine Biologists/Baltic Oceanographers/Baltic Sea Geologists Location: Univ Rostock, Rostock, GERMANY Date: MAR 19-23, 2007. JOURNAL OF MARINE SYSTEMS   Volume: 74   Special Issue: SI Supplement: S Pages: S52-S64. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2008.02.011   


  1. Stelmaszewski, Adam : Discrimination of petroleum fluorescence spectra. LUMINESCENCE   Volume: 22   Issue: 6   Pages: 594-595. DOI: 10.1002/bio.1004   
  2. Otremba, Zbigniew : Oil droplets as light absorbents in seawater. OPTICS EXPRESS   Volume: 15   Issue: 14   Pages: 8592-8597. DOI: 10.1364/OE.15.008592  
  3. Boniewicz-Szmyt, Katarzyna; Pogorzelski, Stanisław; Mazurek, Adriana: Hydrocarbons on sea water: steady-state spreading signatures determined by an optical method. OCEANOLOGIA   Volume: 49   Issue: 3   Pages: 413-437.   
  4. Freda, W.; Król, T.; Martynov, O. V.; Shybanov,E.B.; Hapter, R.: Measurements of scattering function of sea water in southern Baltic. Conference: 6th Workshop on Atomic and Molecular Physics Location: Jurata, POLAND Date: SEP, 2006 .Sponsor(s): Univ Gdansk, Inst Expt Phys l. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL-SPECIAL TOPICS   Volume: 144   Pages: 147-154.  DOI: 10.1140/epjst/e2007-00119-6 
  5. Freda, Włodzimierz; Piskozub, Jacek: Improved method of Fournier-Forand marine phase function parameterization. OPTICS EXPRESS   Volume: 15   Issue: 20   Pages: 12763-12768. DOI: 10.1364/OE.15.012763.
  6. Majchrowski, R., Stoń-Egiert, J., Ostrowska, M., Woźniak B., Ficek D., Lednicka, B., Dera, J., Remote sensing of vertical phytoplankton pigment distributions in the Baltic: New mathematical expressions. Part 2: Accessory pigment distribution, Oceanologia, 2007, 49(4), pp. 491–511.


  1. Król, Tadeusz; Stelmaszewski, Adam; Freda, Włodzimierz: Variability in the optical properties of a crude oil - seawater emulsion. Conference: 5th Baltic Sea Science Congress Location: Sopot, POLAND Date: JUN 20-24, 2005 OCEANOLOGIA   Volume: 48   Special Issue: SI   Pages: 203-211.


  1. Otremba, Z : Influence of oil dispersed in seawater on the bi-directional reflectance distribution function (BRDF). OPTICA APPLICATA   Volume: 35 Issue: 1   Pages: 99-109.   
  2. Freda, W; Król, T : Modelling of polarised light interaction with turbid medium. Edited by: Kwela, J; Drozdowski, R; Wasowicz, TJ Conference: 5th Workshop on Atomic and Molecular Physics Location: Jurata, POLAND Date: SEP 16-18, 2004 Sponsor(s): SPIE Poland Chapter; Univ Gdansk; Natl Lab Atom, Mol & Opt Phys, FAMO Lab; Pomeranian Pedagog Acad 5th Workshop on Atomic and Molecular Physics   Book Series: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE)   Volume: 5849   Pages: 178-181.   
  3. Otremba, Z : Influence of oil dispersed in seawater on the bi-directional reflectance distribution function (BRDF). OPTICA APPLICATA   Volume: 35   Issue: 1   Pages: 99-109.


  1. Stelmaszewski, A : Fluorescence method for the determination of oil identity. OPTICA APPLICATA   Volume: 34   Issue: 3   Pages: 405-418.   
  2. Otremba, Z; Piskozub, J : Modelling the bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) of seawater polluted by an oil film . OPTICS EXPRESS   Volume: 12   Issue: 8   Pages: 1671-1676. DOI: 10.1364/OPEX.12.001671   
  3. Otremba, Z : Modelling the bidirectional reflectance distribution functions (BRDF) of sea areas polluted by oil. OCEANOLOGIA   Volume: 46   Issue: 4   Pages: 505-518.   
  4. Otremba, Z; Piskozub, J : Phase functions of oil-in-water emulsions. OPTICA APPLICATA   Volume: 34   Issue: 1   Pages: 93-99.   


  1. Andrulewicz, E; Napierska, D; Otremba, Z : The environmental effects of the installation and functioning of the submarine SwePol Link HVDC transmission line: a case study of the Polish Marine Area of the Baltic Sea. Conference: 22nd Conference of the Baltic Oceanographers (CBO)/Baltic Sea Science Congress (BSSC) Location: STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN Date: NOV 25-29, 2001
    Sponsor(s): Stockholm Marine Res Ctr; Komung Carl XVI Gustafs Stiftelse Forskning Utbildning; Marianne & Marcul Wallenberg Fdn; Swedish Res Council; Swedish Environm Protect Agcy; WWF Sweden; Henrik Granholms Stiftelse; Natl Board Fisheries; Umea Marine Res Ctr; Swedish Meteorol & Hydrol Inst JOURNAL OF SEA RESEARCH   Volume: 49   Issue: 4   Pages: 337-345.   
  2. Otremba, Z; Piskozub, J : Modeling the remotely sensed optical contrast caused by oil suspended in the sea water column. OPTICS EXPRESS   Volume: 11   Issue: 1   Pages: 2-6. DOI: 10.1364/OE.11.000002  
  3. Otremba, Z; Piskozub, J; Król, T : Modelling the reflectance of sea areas polluted with oil emulsion. FRESENIUS ENVIRONMENTAL BULLETIN   Volume: 12   Issue: 9   Pages: 1109-1113.   
  4. Otremba, Z : Modeling of visibility of oil in the sea. Edited by: Fujisada, H; Lurie, JB; Aten, ML; et al. Conference: Conference on Sensors, Systems and Next-Generation Satellites VI Location: AGIA PELAGIA, GREECE Date: SEP 23-26, 2002 Sponsor(s): SPIE SENSORS, SYSTEMS AND NEXT-GENERATION SATELLITES VI   Book Series: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE)   Volume: 4881   Pages: 484-492.   


  1. Otremba, Z; Król, T : Modeling of the crude oil suspension impact on inherent optical parameters of coastal seawater. POLISH JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES   Volume: 11   Issue: 4   Pages: 407-411.  
  2. Otremba, Z; Toczek, H : Degradation of crude oil film on the surface of seawater: The role of luminous, biological and aqutorial factors. POLISH JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES   Volume: 11   Issue: 5   Pages: 555-559.   


  1. Otremba, Z; Piskozub, J: Modelling of the optical contrast of an oil film on a sea surface. OPTICS EXPRESS   Volume: 9   Issue: 8   Pages: 411-416. DOI:10.1364/OE.9.000411   
  2. Otremba, Z; Król, T: Light attenuation parameters of polydisperse oil-in-water emulsion. OPTICA APPLICATA   Volume: 31   Issue: 3   Pages: 599-609.   


  1. Otremba, Z : The impact on the reflectance in VIS of a type of crude oil film floating on the water surface. OPTICS EXPRESS   Volume: 7   Issue: 3   Pages: 129-134. DOI: 10.1364/OE.7.000129

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