Publikacje KSO
Publikacje naukowe pracowników Katedry Siłowni Okrętowych
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1. Witkowski K.; Research of the effectivenees of selected methods of reducing toxic exhaust enissions of marine diesel engines. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering
2. Witkowski K.; S. Drewing; Spectral analysis of torsional vibrations measured by optical sensors, as a method for diagnosing injector nozzle coking in marine diesel engines.
3. Witkowski K.; Wysocki J.; The possibilites of detecting failures and sefects in the injection system of a marine diesel engine.
4. Herdzik J.; Energy efficiency operational indicator as an index of carbon dioxide emission from marine transport. Ochrona środowiska
5. Kamiński P.; Practical approach to optimal cooling system design for a production line consisting of plastic injection moulding machines in polish specific climate conditions. Multidisciplinary Aspects of Production Engineering
6. Dereszewski M.; Theoretical and practical backgrounds of monitoring system of ship power transimssion systemstorsional vibration. Journal of Marine Science and Technology
2. Giernalczyk M.; Operational problems of ethylene transport by LPG gas carries. Journal of KONES
3. Giernalczyk M.; Analysis of the possibility of using low speed two-stroke dual-fuel engines for propulsion of sea-going vessels. Journal of KONES
4. Herdzik J.; Thrust control systems of propulsion and their verification on dynamically positioned vessels. Journal of KONES
5. Herdzik J.; ISM Code on vessels with or without impact on a number of incidents threats. Journal of KONES
6. Herdzik J.; Problems of nitrogen oxides emission decreasing from marine diesel engines to fulfill the limit of tier 3. Ochrona środowiska
7. Herdzik J.; Ocena składu atmosfery w zbiornikach ładunkowych statków po operacjach ładunkowych odgazowania i wentylacji. Autobusy
8. Kamiński P.; Comparison of reduction systems of harmful substances emission into the atmosphere in accordance to requirements of IMO tier III. Journal of KONES
9. Polanowski S.; Analisis of rations of propultion Energy demund for transport by bulk carriers. Journal of KONES
10. Sikora G.; Analiza przyczyn uszkodzenia tribologicznego dźwigienek zaworowych w silniku wysokoprężnym. Tribologia
11. Witkowski K.; Research the possibility of obtaining diagnostic information about the ships engine fuel injection system condition based on the analysis of characteristics of heat release. Journal of KONES
12. Wysocki J.; Witkowski K.; Badania porównawcze wykresów indykatorowych i parametrów indykowanych okrętowych silników tłokowych dla różnych punktów pomiaru ciśnienia cylindrowego. Journal of KONES
13. Wysocki J.; Badania porównawcze wykresów indykowanych okrętowych silników tłokowych dla różnych punktów pomiaru ciśnienia cylindrowego. SymSO
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